
The Blue Devil is in the details

Role-Based Access Control for Hydra

08 Sep 2015 David Chandek-Stark

Hydra permissions, which are essentially read/write, appear to follow a file-system paradigm. The more recent interest in the W3C WebAccessControl ontology in Fedora 4 continues this aproach. Digital object repositories, however, may require a more extensive set of permissions than those which are sufficient for file systems. In order to manage this complexity, we can employ the concept of a “role” – in addition to user and group – to introduce an abstraction layer between those concrete “agents” and permissions. These roles help to define responsibilities like “curator” or “contributor” which convey a cluster of permissions that may grow and change over time.

What’s the Difference Between a Role and a Group?

The FOAF vocabulary defines the term Group as “a collection of individual agents”. For the purposes of this article we may say that a group contains persons (a.k.a. users) and/or other groups. Some software projects (such as hydra-role-management) use the term “role” to mean the same type of construct.

By contrast I am here using the term role to designate an assertion of a authorization relation between an agent and a resource. The relation may desinate a “responsibility” or a “capability” which translates into a set of concrete permissions. For example, we may say the the agent “Matthew” has the “Curator” role on the “Special Stuff” collection; Matthew is responsible for the curation of the collection which authorizes him to perform many different actions on the collection. Now, we could choose to create a “Special Stuff Curators” group, put Matthew in it and grant appropriate permissions to the group on the collection. However, that approach presents us with a couple of problems. First, we may need a lot of groups to accommodate a large number of resources and possible permissions. Second, and perhaps more importantly, we don’t have a cross-cutting layer that we can leverage to align permissions across the system for functionally equivalent groups. So, for example, if we create “curators” groups for many collections we may not treat those groups consistently even if that is our intention.

With the introduction of roles we can manage both of these issues. We don’t need to create a “curators” group for each collection; instead, we create a “Curator” role, which is reused across the repository whenever we want to grant the “Curator” set of permissions to an agent (user or group) on a resource. Since we have separated agents from permissions, we can change the permissions associated with a role without having to update the role assertions persisted in the repository.

Terminology and Concepts

The terminology of roles is admittedly (and regrettably) overloaded. Let’s establish some definitions.

A role expresses a role assertion, which is a typed, scoped relation between an agent and a resource.

A role type defines a categorical role assertion – e.g., Curator, Editor, Viewer.

An agent is a entity (person or group) to whom a role is “granted”.

The scope of a role assertion defines the object(s) to which its privileges apply.

We can represent the relationships between a repository object, a role and its parts, and the permissions the role ultimately conveys:

Roles Diagram


Our approach is designed to be loosely coupled with the repository implementation; however, it was developed on a Fedora 3-based Hydra stack – i.e., hydra-head 7.x, active-fedora 7.x and ActiveTriples 0.2.3 (the highest version compatible with the other dependencies).


The Role is implemented as an ActiveTriples::Resource:

class Role < ActiveTriples::Resource
  configure type: Ddr::Vocab::Roles.Role
  property :role_type, predicate: Ddr::Vocab::Roles.type
  property :agent, predicate: Ddr::Vocab::Roles.agent
  property :scope, predicate: Ddr::Vocab::Roles.scope

The custom RDF vocabulary describes the type and properties of the class (the namespace is not important, but has been left in here for clarity):

module Ddr
  module Vocab
    class Roles < RDF::StrictVocabulary("http://repository.lib.duke.edu/vocab/roles/")

      term :Role,
        label: "Role",
        comment: "An assertion of a role granted to an agent."

      property :hasRole,
        label: "Has Role",
        comment: "Asserts the granting of a role on the subject to an agent."

      property :type,
        label: "Type",
        comment: "The type of role granted to the agent."

      property :agent,
        label: "Agent",
        comment: "The agent to whom the role is granted."

      property :scope,
        label: "Scope",
        comment: "The scope within which the role applies."



A RoleSet is an abstract class representing a collection of role assertions. The principal APIs evoke SQL semantics:

Two additional methods provide convenciences:

Finally, RoleSet supports serialization to an Array of role assertions (each of which is serialized as a Hash).

RoleSet has two concrete subclasses, PropertyRoleSet and DetachedRoleSet.


The PropertyRoleSet class represents a role set bound to an object property, specifically in ActiveFedora 7.x, the property of an RDFDatastream (an ActiveTriples::Term in ActiveTriples 0.2.3; more recently this class has been renamed ActiveTriples::Relation).


A DetachedRoleSet class represents a role set “detached” from a repository object context. The principal usage of a detached role set is to deserialize a previously serialized role set. We store the serialized property role set of an object in Solr so a Hydra head can evaluate the role assertions for an object without having to request the data from the repository. Hence, both the ActiveFedora and SolrDocument objects for a given repository object can be handled consistently with respect to role assertions (of course the SolrDocument is effectively read-only).


RoleType is really the key to the role-based approach. It is the connector between a role assertion and the permissions granted to a user.

class RoleType
  attr_reader :title, :description, :permissions
  alias_method :label, :title

  def initialize(title, description, permissions)
    @title = title.freeze
    @description = description.freeze
    @permissions = permissions.freeze

  def to_s

Examples of RoleType instances:

module RoleTypes
  CURATOR = RoleType.new(
    "The Curator role conveys responsibility for curating a resource " \
    "and delegating responsibilities to other agents.",

  EDITOR = RoleType.new(
    "The Editor role conveys reponsibility for managing the content, " \
    "description and structural arrangement of a resource.",
    [ Permissions::READ, Permissions::DOWNLOAD, Permissions::ADD_CHILDREN,
      Permissions::UPDATE, Permissions::REPLACE, Permissions::ARRANGE ]

  METADATA_EDITOR = RoleType.new(
    "The Metadata Editor role conveys responsibility for " \
    "managing the description of a resource.",
    [ Permissions::READ, Permissions::DOWNLOAD, Permissions::UPDATE ]

  CONTRIBUTOR = RoleType.new(
    "The Contributor role conveys responsibility for adding related " \
    "resources to a resource, such as works to a collection.",
    [ Permissions::READ, Permissions::ADD_CHILDREN ]

  DOWNLOADER = RoleType.new(
    "The Downloader role conveys access to the \"master\" file " \
    "(original content bitstream) of a resource.",
    [ Permissions::READ, Permissions::DOWNLOAD ]

  VIEWER = RoleType.new(
    "The Viewer role conveys access to the description and \"access\" " \
    "files (e.g., derivative bitstreams) of a resource.",
    [ Permissions::READ ]



The scope of a role is a simple string property in our implementation, either “resource” or “policy”. The default scope of a role is “resource”, which means that the role assertion effectively applies to the resource itself. Since we also implement Hydra policy based access control with “admin policy” objects, we use the scope value of “policy” to denote a role to be “inherited” by objects under the policy object’s administrative control (via an “isGovernedBy” relationship).


The agent property of a role is represented by strings. A “person” agent is represented in the form of an email address. A group is represented by a string that is not of the form of an email address; this could be a simple name like “admins”, or an LDAP group name, etc. We considered the possibility of representing the agent with a URI or a nested node, but this approach would have drawn us into other concerns not specifically germane to role-based access control and for which we were not prepared at the time.


Since we wish to consider the request environment (e.g., IP address) as part of the authorization context in addition to the authenticated user information, we use an AuthContext object more or less in the functional role of “user”. The object simply wraps a user (which may be nil when unauthenticated) and request environment object (i.e., Rails’s request.env). Thus, the agents of an auth context consist of the user’s person agent (if authenticated) and group agents determined from the authenticated user information (if present) and the request environment.

EffectiveRoles and EffectivePermissions

A role set may be queried (via a RoleSetQuery object) for a the list of roles where the agent is one of a list agents, such as that given by an auth context. Thus, the “effective roles” for a user is determined by finding the matching resource-scoped roles on the object, and merging that set with the matching policy-scoped roles “inherited” by the object through a policy relationship to another object:

class EffectiveRoles < SimpleDelegator
  # @param obj [Object] an object that receives :roles and returns a RoleSet
  # @param agents [String, Array<String>] agent(s) to match roles
  # @return [RoleSetQuery]
  def self.call(obj, agents)

  # @param agents [String, Array<String>] agent(s) to match roles
  # @return [RoleSetQuery]
  def call(agents)

Once we have determine the effective roles for an object given a list of agents, it’s a short step to the “effective permissions” which are used in the authorization context:

class EffectivePermissions
  # @param obj [Object] an object that receives :roles and returns a RoleSet
  # @param agents [String, Array<String>] agent(s) to match roles
  # @return [Array<Symbol>]    
  def self.call(obj, agents)
    EffectiveRoles.call(obj, agents).permissions

This code returns the union of permissions for all of the role in the role set that is returned by EffectivePermissions.call.

Authorization Story

We may now consider an authorization story:

And everyone lived happily ever after.

Search and Discovery

How does role-based access control fit into Hydra resource discovery? Fortunately, hydra-access-control provides overridable methods that we can use to inject our new behaviors into the authorization process. In gated_discovery_filters we apply Solr filter queries based on our indexing of role assertions. If you’re interested in the details of our specific approach, take a look at the source code of the RoleBasedAccessControlsEnforcement module.