
The Blue Devil is in the details

Extracting reuseable code from a Hydra head

05 Nov 2014 David Chandek-Stark

When we started building a repository application with the Hydra framework nigh about two years ago, nearly everything about the code environment was new to us – including Ruby, Rails, RSpec and Git. While we had a respectable level of repository domain knowledge (by no means experts), we tended to follow coding and testing patterns we observed within the Hydra development community.

I think we got the conceptual modeling mostly right. We stuck to models that seemed to satisfy our initial use cases and hoped that they would give us a good framework to refine as we rolled out the repository to a broader audience. With one significant exception, this wiki page describes our models and the relations between them. Originally we had a separate AdminPolicy object which implemented the Hydra admin policy behavior; however, because we observed in practice that we had one AdminPolicy object per Collection, we decided to migrate the admin policy functionality to the Collection model. (In the long term, we are developing a role-based access control approach, but that is another story …)

In recent months we have begun planning for at least two additional Hydra heads. This step caused us to embark on a refactoring of our original Hydra head, extracting the repository models into a separate project which we could reuse as a gem. In general, this process has gone reasonably well – meaning we’re getting through it – but we were rather naive about how complicated it would be. A better knowledge of Rails, gems, and refactoring in general would have helped, not to mention more code analysis and planning before diving in. A few specific issues deserve mention:

Namespaces (or not)

Following the typical Rails app development pattern, we originally put our repository models in app/models, not namespaced. This created two issues:

Dir[Ddr::Models::Engine.root.to_s + "/app/models/*.rb"].each { |m| require m }

(We also added app/models to the gemspec require_paths, but I don’t think that’s necessary.)

Hydra rightsMetadata dependency

If you have a true Hydra model, then you have rightsMetadata, which you get from Hydra::AccessControls::Permissions. Unfortunately, this module (as of this writing) is not on a path available to the engine (b/c it depends on a Rails app?). Here’s the hack we came up with:

# Awful hack to make Hydra::AccessControls::Permissions accessible
$: << Gem.loaded_specs['hydra-access-controls'].full_gem_path + "/app/models/concerns"

Fedora / Solr / Jetty

Testing repository models requires a Java servlet container for Fedora and Solr, for which most folks use Jetty. To integrate Jetty into the engine it’s convenient to use jettywrapper, which provides hydra-jetty and a number of useful rake tasks (jetty:start, jetty:stop, etc.). An undocumented (or poorly documented) feature of jettywrapper is that it will use a constant JETTY_CONFIG for its default configuration, so the relevant parts of the Rakefile look like this:

ENGINE_ROOT = File.dirname(__FILE__)

  jetty_home: File.join(ENGINE_ROOT, "jetty"),
  jetty_port: 8983,
  startup_wait: 45,
  quiet: true,
  java_opts: ["-Xmx256m", "-XX:MaxPermSize=128m"]

require 'jettywrapper'

Jettywrapper.instance.base_path = ENGINE_ROOT

desc "Run the CI build"
task :ci => ["jetty:clean"] do
  Jettywrapper.wrap(JETTY_CONFIG) do

Custom Predicates

ActiveFedora provides that custom predicates for RELS-EXT relations (FC3) can be added to a file at config/predicate_mappings.yml. Unfortunately, this file apparently must be read when ActiveFedora::Predicates first loads or it has no effect. Fortunately, you can use ActiveFedora::Predicates.set_predicates(mapping) to add predicates later. So, back in the Rails engine module, we created an initializer:

initializer 'ddr_models.predicates' do

where our predicates are defined:

module Ddr
  module Metadata
      "http://projecthydra.org/ns/relations#" => {
        is_attached_to: "isAttachedTo"
      "http://www.loc.gov/mix/v20/externalTarget#" => {
        is_external_target_for: "isExternalTargetFor",
        has_external_target: "hasExternalTarget"

Database migrations

Our repository models have a dependency on an ActiveRecord model that we use for event tracking, so we had to move that model into the gem as well. In order to test everything, we needed a db with migrations. While it appears to be technically possible to create something less than a full Rails engine that can deal with database connectivity and migrations (see Jeremy Friesen’s article), it’s also true that a Rails engine with an internal test app makes this easy (mainly because of the Rails engine rakefile). In the long run it would be nice to dynamically generate the test app (say, with engine_cart), but the static test app generated by Rails got us up and running fast.

Of course, since our original app already had the schema and database table for our Event model, we had to be a little more careful in defining the migration to only create the table if it does not exist:

class CreateEvents < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def up
    unless table_exists?("events")
      # table definition and indexes copied from original app schema
      create_table "events" do |t|
        t.datetime "event_date_time"
        t.integer  "user_id"
        t.string   "type"
        t.string   "pid"
        t.string   "software"
        t.text     "comment"
        t.datetime "created_at"
        t.datetime "updated_at"
        t.string   "summary"
        t.string   "outcome"
        t.text     "detail"

      add_index "events", ["event_date_time"], name: "index_events_on_event_date_time"
      add_index "events", ["outcome"], name: "index_events_on_outcome"
      add_index "events", ["pid"], name: "index_events_on_pid"
      add_index "events", ["type"], name: "index_events_on_type"

  def down
    raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration

Lessons Learned

Of course, some things only come with experience … but here some observations.